CST 363 - Introduction to Database - Week 6
This week we learned about programming languages and database programming. We explored the differences between imperative and declarative languages. Imperative languages, such as procedural and object-oriented languages, use control flow statements to determine the execution order of program steps. In contrast, declarative languages, such as SQL, do not explicitly specify how results are processed but rely on a compiler or optimizer. SQL stands out as a leading declarative language, often used for database queries due to its simplicity and efficiency.
In chapter 9 also talks about various database programming techniques designed to bridge the syntax and paradigm gaps between SQL and other programming languages. These include embedded SQL, procedural SQL, and application programming interfaces (APIs). Embedded SQL integrates SQL statements directly into programs written in another language, such as C, while procedural SQL extends SQL with control flow statements, creating a new programming language. APIs, such as ODBC and JDBC, provide libraries of procedures or classes that facilitate database interaction from within general-purpose programming languages like Java.
Additionally, we covered advanced topics such as dynamic SQL, which involves generating SQL statements at runtime, and the use of cursors to process queries that return multiple rows. The importance of managing database connections was emphasized, with specific instructions on how to connect, use, and close connection programs containing embedded SQL. Overall, this week's learning provided a comprehensive understanding of how different programming languages and techniques can be utilized to interact with database effectively.
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