CST 338 - Software Design - Week 7 & 8


        The Jotto assignment presented challenges for me due to my limited experience with Java, and with a gap of a year and a half since my last coding class. In order to solve the Jotto assignment I began with carefully reading the prompt to gain a thorough understanding of the program's requirements. Next, I reviewed the UML diagram to grasp the structure, methods, and fields involved in the program. With this understanding in place, I proceeded to implement the program, following the guidelines outlined in the UML diagram. Throughout the process, I engaged in debugging to resolve any issues and ensure the program functioned correctly. In the end I was not able to fix all the bugs in the code but it was working correctly for the most part. One aspect I would improve in my coding strategy is to incorporate more comments within the code. Occasionally, I find that when I revisit my code the following day, I struggle to recall the specifics of how certain sections were implemented or how they function. By adding comprehensive comments throughout the code, I aim to provide clear explanations and reminders for myself and others, facilitating easier understanding and maintenance of the codebase.

        In this class, I surely have at least two victories. Firstly, I successfully caught up with Java and delved deep into object-oriented programming concepts quickly. Secondly, tackling substantial projects like the Monster project marked a significant achievement. Prior to this, my understanding of interfaces and abstract classes was limited, but through this project, I gained invaluable insights into their necessity in coding large-scale projects. Additionally, acquiring more knowledge about constructors, getters and setters was beneficial, as these concepts were relatively unfamiliar to me before this class. Notably, my previous lower-division classes did not focus much into object-oriented programming. Currently, I am expanding my knowledge by learning Android Studio. Despite occasional frustrations, such as the software's tendency to crash, I am enthusiastic about mastering this new tool and expanding my skill set beyond Java.


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