CST 338 - Software Design - Week 4

  1. Who did you work with? I worked with my classmates Vance Thrasher, Robert Stanford and Anwar Siddiqui. 
  2. What was your strategy for solving the Markov assignment? Did you start writing code right away? Did you plan it out on paper? My strategy for solving the Markov assignment began with carefully reading the prompt to gain a thorough understanding of the program's requirements. Next, I reviewed the UML diagram to grasp the structure, methods, and fields involved in the program. With this understanding in place, I proceeded to implement the program, following the guidelines outlined in the UML diagram. Throughout the process, I engaged in debugging to resolve any issues and ensure the program functioned correctly. 
  3. What was their strategy for solving the Markov assignment? Their strategy was similar to mine. Their approach was to follow the methods provided in the prompt, reading in lines from the file, then splitting the lines into words, and adding those words to the HashMap, with the key being based on the previous word. After the entire file was read and all the words added to the HashMap. Then when generating a sentence it was picking a random word that came from the ArrayList in the HashMap, and using that word as the key to pick out a new ArrayList in the HashMap and randomly picking out a word from the ArrayList, until a word that eneded with punctuation was found. My classmates made sure to follow the UML diagram and debug their code until they passed the most tests as possible. 
  4. How would you change your strategy having worked on the assignment? One aspect I would improve in my coding strategy is to incorporate more comments within the code. Occasionally, I find that when I revisit my code the following day, I struggle to recall the specifics of how certain sections were implemented or how they function. By adding comprehensive comments throughout the code, I aim to provide clear explanations and reminders for myself and others, facilitating easier understanding and maintenance of the codebase. 
  5. According to your classmates how well does you code follow the Google Java style guide? According to my classmates, my code mostly adheres to the Google Java style. They suggested using more meaningful variables and improving the code formatting slightly, but overall, they found it to be good.  


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