CST 338 - Software Design - Week 3

For this week's CST-338 class, our focus was to review one of our classmate's Jotto code. I collaborated with Vance Thrasher, who provided valuable feedback on my implementation. The feedback I received about my code was positive, highlighting its well structured organization and effective implementation of key functionalities such as reading words from a file, playing the game, updating word lists, picking words, and handling user guesses. Suggestions for improvement included avoiding recursive calls in the `pickWord()` method to prevent potential stack overflow errors and adding input validation in the `guess()` method to ensure user-entered guesses are valid.

Reflecting on the unit tests, I found that while they covered the full range of Jotto functionality, there were challenges, particularly in passing the `addBadLine` test due to unintended side effects of code modifications. Despite these challenges, I am proud of successfully passing all the tests, especially considering that this was my first experience with such a large coding assignment. Vance mentioned struggling with the initial method implementation, which impacted his progress on the assignment.

Overall, this experience has been valuable in improving my problem solving skills and navigating complex coding tasks. I look forward to applying the feedback received to enhance the quality of my future code submissions.


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